Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria (Accredited)


PNH is an acquired stem cell disorder affecting all blood cell lines that has severe implications to both the life expectancy and quality of life affected individuals. In addition treatment of the disorder is expensive. For these reasons PNH testing by flow cytometry is classed as a critical clinical diagnostic test.


This programme is designed for use by laboratories undertaking PNH diagnosis using flow cytometry and it is not suitable for those who use other detection methods.


Samples are to be analysed by flow cytometry only. Laboratories are requested to report the percentage of PNH erythrocytes (total, type II and type III) and the total clone size as a percentage for both PNH neutrophils and PNH monocytes in each sample. Additionally they are asked to record whether a clone is present or absent. If a cell population is not routinely tested then this option must be selected. Participants are also requested to provide information relating to gating and GPI linked antibodies and should also state their level of sensitivity for the assay for each cell population analysed.


Two samples are issued per trial and this programme issues samples a minimum of 5 times per annum and a maximum of 6.


Trials for this programme are live/open for a minimum of 3 weeks.

Please Note: Trials issued/closing in August or December are extended by 1 week.

An automated email is sent 2 days prior to the trial closing, to any participant that has not returned results, warning them of the trial closure date. 


Pre issue testing of samples for this programme is subcontracted, although the final decision about sample suitability lies with the EQA provider; no other activities in relation to this EQA programme are subcontracted.


***New in 2023-2024***

In addition, to the standard 'wet' exercises, Educational Electronic Exercises will be included in this programme in 2023-2024. These exercises are to determine interpersonal differences between laboratory scientists when analysing standardised anonymised data files to help develop and support individual competencies in the analysis of acquired data. 


To register for this programme, please click here.

Example Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria Report
To view the annotations on this report, please download the PDF and view in a PDF reader such as Adobe Acrobat.
PNH 222302 annotated.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Haemoglobinuria Performance Monitoring System
Performance Monitoring System for Paroxy[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [64.1 KB]
PNH 242502 Coversheet
PNH 242502.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [263.7 KB]
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Last updated 14/06/2024 © UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping not to be reproduced in all or part without permission.

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