New Participant Information


Eligibility - All clinical laboratories, those with purely research or industrial roles, manufacturers of diagnostic instruments and reagents, and other laboratories are welcome to participate. In addition registrations are welcomed from laboratories worldwide.


Period - Participation in all UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping EQA schemes is deemed to be continuous with automatic annual renewal and invoicing for subscription fees for each NHS financial year (1st April to 31st March), unless we are advised to the contrary in writing in advance of annual renewal. Participation may begin at any time during the year with pro rata charges made.


UK NEQAS LI Participant ID - On registration, each participant is given a unique UK NEQAS LI participant ID. This ensures that participants personal details are kept confidential. This ID must be quoted in all communications between UK NEQAS LI and the participant as it is used to ensure confidentiality in both identity of participants registered and their performance in the programmes. These are issued automatically and if you do not receive these within seven days of registration then please contact our administration team directly.


Practice Sample -You will receive a free of charge practice sample and report for the programme(s) that you have enrolled in within 7-10 days of confirmation of registration (this excludes programmes using fresh blood samples). If you have not received a sample within this period then please contact the administration team directly.


Subscription Fees - Annual subscription fees are based on the full actual costs of providing EQA services according to the not-for-profit terms of the UK NEQAS Code of Practice.


In order to proceed with your registration please select the button "New Registration" on our home page.


UK NEQAS LI Use of Reports by Individuals & Organisations
Quality Management 93__v1.1__PREVIEW.pdf
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Last updated 14/06/2024 © UK NEQAS for Leucocyte Immunophenotyping not to be reproduced in all or part without permission.

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